Book Thoughts : Book Aesthetic

** All photos are mine ** 

Good day how is everyone doing?  I decided to have a blurb about a book’s aesthetics.

Be honest, to the book hoarders/collectors out there, it is a satisfaction to be able to find a book that is just beautiful inside and out (aka hardcovers).  Whenever I shop for books, I always always remove the dust jackets just to see if they have those kind of little surprise underneath(well if it does not have a plastic cover). When it comes to paperbacks, I look for those great looking papers and decent font size type *cries emoji* that is why I don’t have much of pocket size books in my shelf. And also as to why I prefer the hardcovers.

I just love the flexibility of these books :


I can bend them the way I like without ever worrying if I creased the spine!

Con: It can have that kind of shape.


Since hardcovers has crisp papers and sturdy back, I don’t have any worries except the inevitable: that you will crease the dust jackets in any way.  </3

What lead to this lengthy post? Is this book :


I love Stolen so much. So much. I read it earlier this year and even discussed it with my boyfriend because this book gave me a hangover. Anyway, I just read it on ebook format  so I went book hunting without any luck until last Saturday. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it sitting on the top shelf with its fellow literary winning buddies! I wanted to cry right then and there.

On Sunday, that’s when I opened it (it has plastic cover) to take photos for my instagram account.

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And oh my… the disappointment!The pages looks like it’s gonna fall any time or I can just rip it in one smooth tear! Horrifying moment! It has this textbook style thing to it and it smells like one too! I doubt it that I will reread this book in its physical format because it’s just so painful.

If I didn’t love the book, and it was opened at the bookstore I wouldn’t buy it. At all. Im just that picky.

2 thoughts on “Book Thoughts : Book Aesthetic

  1. Oh no, I’m so sorry about Stolen! I’d be really disappointed as well–I’m always really crazy about keeping my books all smooth and nice. 😦 I wonder if it’s just particularly bad, unlucky binding? I borrowed Stolen from my library and I don’t think it was that bad.

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